Search for a ConvoBot
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You can always start a conversation from the homepage itself, but if the bot you are looking for is not available on the front page, you can easily search for a Conversational Bot (ConvoBot) by following the steps below.
Next, you can click on the search bar that says "Search Bot", and then you will be able to see a popup as shown below.
You can enter a search for a Bot by typing in the search bar, you can select from the recommended topics shown below, or even close the search bar by clicking on the cross button (X).
For now, let's perform a search by simply typing in our search text.
From this point, we have 2 options.
Select the "See All" button and view all the results as shown below.
Select the option that matches what we are searching for and start a conversation.
Next up, let's look at how you can use the filter options to find bots.